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Friday, September 23, 2011

A Different Take on Optimism and Pessimism

Pessimism is over shadowing Optimism. When we say pessimism and optimism are we clear of the two words? Pessimism, from the Latin word pessimus (worst), is a state of mind in which one perceives life negatively. Optimism can be defined as having "hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something; a tendency to take a favourable or hopeful view." The word is originally derived from the Latin optimum, meaning "best." Being optimistic, in the typical sense of the word, ultimately means one expects the best possible outcome from any given situation. 
In today’s world people are more inclined towards pessimistic thought. Optimistic view is getting uprooted due to fast socio-economic change and globalisation. Greed, hunger, temptation and lust is influencing the people to do or engage in evil activities. After 2000 we can see how these activities are increasing in geometrical progression and occupying a pivotal position. Humanity and morality are taking backseats for devilish intentions. When devil is taking full possession over humans then he is greedy for money and sex, he wants to enjoy his life to the fullest at others cost, violating the existing system and rules of the civilized society. In course of his evil activities he might lose his near and dear ones even he can lose his own life but the devilish function is so strong that he does not care for anything. This can be proved if we open daily newspaper and watch television. One friend is killing other for cost of money, sex, power and position in office, business or society. Once there was a time when people used to think hundred times before hobnobbing with evil. Administration also took serious steps on these activities and imposed hard punishment as per rules. But those days are gone now. People have no time to think over these matters critically naturally such matters have become casual now. Mainly the pessimistic view is seen among the youth. They are disregarding their parents and family superiors and crossing their family limitations. If the parents are saying good for them they tend to think that parents do not want their happiness. Among the youth we see that they are more addicted to drinking, smoking, drugs, and many more bad practices. Even robbery, rape, murder is common. The pessimistic thought also prevail in the mind of politicians. Most of the politicians are hand in glove with corruption; with the help of money they are killing innocent people. If we read daily newspapers we know about various corruptive practices.

Pessimism arises mainly due to illiteracy, not proper teachings of parents, depression, frustration etc. We the people of India are forgetting our own heritage. In this extra modern life we all are trying to ape an illusionary lifestyle. We know India is incredible but we are not protecting our laws, our morality as Indians is instead running after money, sex, lust and power. Forgetting that these appetizing things are not for a lifetime . Optimism rather positivism should over rule negativism. Here optimism stands for choosing the right path in life which makes one feel good about himself or herself and about others. 

About the Author

Nilika Banerjee is student of Journalism & Mass Communication at Rani Birla Girl's College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and they do not reflect in any way those of the Dispassionate Observer.

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