Life appears different when you are down and out with a leg injury. Confined to the cosiness of your bed you try doing things which in a normal busy day you hardly get time to do. You would concentrate on the colour of your wall in the room; occasionally you would glance at the hour and minute hands of the clock and look through the window. Illness comes as a curse for those who love to remain amidst work all the time. However, it also opens a door of possibility-the option to take a look at life around you differently. It gives time to ponder on issues which at the beginning appear to be utter madness or sinister.
The world that we live in is not what men and women in an ideal situation would desire to be. There is hatred all around, people are busy killing one another, flexing muscles and plotting downfalls. The major political events that we witnessed globally have been the result of some plots which were chalked out in the comfort of air conditioned rooms. Ambitious men and women with nefarious designs have brought doom and destruction to human race and the trend will follow. People have grown cynic and are taking potshots at everything. This cynicism stems from disguised wants at the inner chambers of human heart. If you are happy with whatever comes your way in this lifetime you are never cynic, but people choose to be different. They plot to kill, design to threat and egg on young and impressionable minds to commit crime. In countries like India young men and women fall prey to dirty politics in college and university levels. Political consciousness is good for everybody but it is always beneficial to keep it out of educational institutions. It is not the place to pick up young minds that are aggrieved for one reason or another, use them as pawns in bitter personal rivalries and ruin their ability to think freely in the long run. Excellence in education, the primary objective, becomes a hostage in the hand of miscreants who took to this profession to fill their own coffers and encourage corruption at all levels. It is a sad state when teachers become political commentators, regulate the life of students to serve their own ends and make them believe in a world that is built on false promises. Apart from politics and education another worrying area is the role of media. The freedom of media is necessary for any democracy to move forward, however, this freedom comes with some responsibilities. Print or audio visual medium needs to behave in a matured fashion to deliver right messages to the masses. When media becomes business the spirit of democracy is undermined. Film, a powerful audio visual medium, has developed a special liking towards deviance and some of them are glorifying gangsters as gods.
Then where is the hope? The hope lies in the Bhagavad Gita. All power hungry men and women forget one thing. Whatever they do in this life is predestined and they have no power, what so ever, to inflict damage on anybody without the wishes of the almighty. The Lord, the Supreme Being, smiles at the petty achievements of mere mortals. He allows every offender to grow to a point before bringing the final curtain on his or her journey.
The world that we live in is highly competitive and ruthless. However, there are some eternal truths about life which need to be understood more in times of crisis.
Everything, even the pure effulgence, rests on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the knower of everything that is happening in this world, and if knowledge has any end, He is the end. Therefore, He is the known and the knowable. He is the object of knowledge because He is all pervading. Because He is the cause dwelling in the spiritual world, He is transcendental, and He is chief personality in the transcendental world. (Bhagavad Gita As It Is)
Tolerance, one of the biggest virtues, is missing among people. Intolerance to others is the root of troubles which could have been easily avoided. However, it is hard to be tolerant in tough situations. Nevertheless, it is the path to be followed for a world that seeks a better future.
Tolerance means one should be practiced to bear insults and dishonor from others. If one is engaged in the advancement of spiritual knowledge, there will be many insults and much dishonor from others. This is expected because material nature is so constituted. Even a boy like Prahlada, who although only five years old was engaged in the cultivation of spiritual knowledge, was endangered when his father became antagonistic to his devotion. The father wanted to kill him in so many ways, but Prahlada tolerated him. So there may be many impediments to advancement in spiritual knowledge, but we should be tolerant and continue our progress with determination. (Bhagavad Gita As It Is)
Love, in its eternal spirit, is finding it difficult to remain afloat amidst strong negative energy all around. Human beings are finding solace in hating others and ridiculing opinions and ideas which are different from the way they think it right. However, love leads to ultimate emancipation. We can lend an ear to Jesus and think from the core of our heart "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"(Leviticus 19:18, The Bible)